Everything started in 1989 with the martial arts. I started with Taekwondo when I was 14. I continued for almost 4 years, then I found Kung Fu shaolin style and for the next 4 years it had all my focus. In 1996 I started with Gymnastics. 3 years being upside down, jumping in the trampoline and lifting people. Then another change from gymnastics to Circus, especially partner acrobatics and also some clown, theater, dance, juggling, trapeze, silks…

Nowadays life is mainly nurtured in the path of Yoga. My first contact with Yoga was in 2005 in a Circus class. But not until 2009 I started taking regular classes of Satyananda Yoga (Bihar School). In 2010 I also started with Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga and I completed 200 unforgetable hours of the Vinyasa Teacher Trainig with wonderful David Lurey (www.findbalance.net).

In July 2009 I found AcroYoga and I fell in love. Completely. Thanks to AcroYoga I started to be more interested in Yoga. Very interested. It was also what lead me to find a deep interest in Thai Massage. I studied in Buenos Aires with Guillermo Ibalo and Valerie Gaillard and in Thailand with Ohm Rinraya, Laurino, Mr Sawadee and Jack Chaiya.

Now I live in Malmö (south of Sweden) and I give classes with my beautiful co-teacher Nina.



+46 73 088 22 28

FB: @AcroBhakti

IG: @acrobhakti

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